Register a .BLOG domain name and start promoting your blog

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How do you drive traffic to your blog and stand out against all the competition? Registering a strong domain name is a good place to start. We think a .BLOG domain is the perfect way to promote any kind of blog. Just look at how .BLOG domain names are helping these bloggers get noticed.

Why .BLOG is a strong domain name choice

Read any blog post about what makes for a good blog domain name and you’ll see the same mantra repeated time and again:

Make it catchy, memorable, unique. Catchy, memorable, unique. Catchy, memorable...

Fortunately, the .BLOG domain name extension helps you do all that. .BLOG is short and relevant, appropriate for blogs of all types, personal or professional. No matter the subject matter or desired goal, a .BLOG domain is clean, simple, and intuitive, unambiguously alerting users to blog content.

It’s also increasingly recognisable. .BLOG domain registry, Automattic (who also happens to be the parent company of WordPress), reports that as of its November 2016 launch .BLOG has seen:

  • 145,000+ registered domain names
  • 65% usage (ie. .BLOG domains leading to unique content)
  • 75% renewal rate

According to Automattic’s Founder and CEO, Matt Mullenweg, .BLOG is even inspiring many to make the move from .COM:

.BLOG domain provides greater flexibility and choice

Mullenweg recently told us this about .BLOG domain names: ”Blogging is a universal activity with hundreds of millions of blog sites on the internet today and growing. Now with a .BLOG domain, people from around the world have much more choice for their online blogging identity.”

The flexibility of .BLOG domain names offer registrants a clear advantage: .BLOG can be used for any purpose by anyone, making it an ideal blog promotion tool. The examples below give you a good idea of .BLOG’s worldwide reach and diverse use:

Personal blogs


There are no hard and fast rules for blogging. A blog can be highly personal, reflecting one individual’s unique take on life. Take, for example, written in first person and focused on the impressions, thoughts, and aspirations of one person. Personal blogs like this can provide a place for reflection, make it easier to connect with others, even provide professional exposure.

Learning and idea sharing blogs


Blogs can provide a useful place to collaborate and share ideas with a like-minded community of readers. This is one reason why in many classrooms blogging is often used as a learning tool; students connect with other students while achieving an important learning outcome - improved digital literacy skills. shares with its community of readers research and findings related to Development Team tools and methods.

Travel blogs


Travellers often turn to the Internet for ideas and advice related to their next nomadic adventure. Blogs provide an excellent starting point for gathering ideas and inspiration. Many blogs even cater to niche travel interests: family travel, traveling alone as a woman, environmental travel. The creators of provide information about hotels, excursions, and observations of daily life in Egypt.

Non-English language blogs


Blogging in a language other than English? You're not alone. The Internet is, after all, multilingual with readers from all around the world jumping on every day to find information in their own language. Luckily, the .BLOG domain extension is recognisable to anyone anywhere. and are two good examples of French language blogs on the .BLOG domain extension.

.BLOG is the perfect way to promote your blog!

.BLOG domains are appropriate for every topic, interest, and language. Registering your .BLOG domain name is your first step towards distinguishing yourself from all the other bloggers out there, making it easier for readers to find and remember you

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