Domain management tip: stop a pending domain name action

Domain management may seem complex but we offer many solutions to help keep it simple. For example, we’ve just made it easier for you to stop a pending domain name action you've initiated. You can still always get in touch with customer support, but we think you’ll find this new do-it-yourself feature to be quite intuitive.

Want to cancel an action? The ball’s in your court!  

When it comes to something as important as your domain name, you probably want to remain as hands-on as possible. To that end, we’ve just implemented a new domain management feature which makes it easier for you to cancel pending actions (as long as you're permitted to do so).

When you log into your EuroDNS account, you'll see a tab in the blue bar that reads “Domain Names”. Beneath it is a menu bar that includes an “Actions” button. 


When you click on “Actions”, you'll see a pending actions menu that looks like this: 


IMPORTANT: Look for the cancel button on the right like the one shown above. If you don't see a cancel button next to an action, you won't be able to cancel that action. 

If you see the button, you can cancel a variety of different types of actions: 

  • Domain transfers to or from EuroDNS
  • Trades, i.e. a change of registrant
  • Updates such as pending domain name registrations, deletions, and restorations 

Delivering better domain name management services 

We've not only made it easier to cancel pending actions, but we've taken numerous steps in the past year to simplify and makes more intuitive the management of domain names: 

And we’re always on the lookout for further improvements we can make to meet the needs of our customers. So watch this space for the latest domain management tips and solutions! And, as always, please get in touch if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We’re always happy to talk! 

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