Kick-ass ways to spice up the new domain extensions!

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Domain hacks were used to play the system. When trying to find a good .COM domain name became a pain, a domain hack was a cool alternative. Originally, using country code domain extensions, they brought more choice whilst at the same time, creating fun names such as,,, and

Are domain hacks on the way out?

Now we’ve got hundreds of new extensions to choose from, are domain hacks unnecessary, will they cease to exist?

No way, they’re!

They've inspired some brilliantly quirky domain names. Yes, they can be hard to say out loud, and I’ve previously stressed that domain names should be kept simple. But their very kookiness is what makes them easy to remember and so popular.

Domain hacks with the new domain extensions

I think that with the arrival of all the new domain extensions, the craze for domain hacks will return. Take a look at my initial ideas...

lots2drink | makesUthink | growURprofit | bettervocab

celebritybiopics | 2Bchauffeured | highlyflavoured | theXfactor | perfume4U2stink

hawaiiantropics | 2cool4scool | takeAtrip | freevoicemail

* All the above are examples of domain hacks using new domain extensions: .INK,.FIT, .RED, .PICS, .ACTOR, .CAB, .COOL, .RIP, .EMAIL. What do you think, pretty cool?

How to hack

I published a How to hack blog post last year and you can take a look at it for more info about using country code top level domains (ccTLDs) for domain hacks. But I’d like to highlight a couple of points with regard to using new domain extensions.

  • The new domain extensions, generally, have unrestricted registration. I’m not going to lie, there are exceptions.
  • There’s no geographic targeting, so your new domain hack won’t be restricted to one country.
  • Shooting myself in the foot here! Domain hacks aren’t brilliant for keywords because they create non-existent words, e.g. bettervocab =, but they're fun.

Future extensions

Freeofwheat | no2scam | how2Bsmart | careerkickstart

recipes4breads | makingsalads | nearest&dearest

Can you work out which domain extensions I've used?

* At the time of posting, the domain hacks created using live extensions are available for registration. If you’re interested, don’t wait too long; I can’t promise I won’t register them myself ;)

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