Dynamic DNS documentation

Dynamic DNS allows domain names registered with EuroDNS to be assigned to a computer with a dynamic IP address. Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide customers with a dynamic IP address. Dynamic DNS allows you to run any server application on your computer (e.g. FTP or Web Server).

Activate EuroDynDNS for one of your domain names

Dynamic DNS hosts must be activated in the DNS configuration area of your domain name.

This service only works for domain names using EuroDNS name servers. Round Robin DNS records are not compliant with the EuroDynDNS service.

For any questions, please contact our support team.

Agent access

If you register domain names for your customers and they need to use the EuroDynDNS service, please read the following instructions.

Create a new domain folder in your EuroDNS account, then move the domain name(s) into the folder. You then need to configure the folder and grant access to your customer.

It's only possible for an agent to create a folder, which means that it's not possible to have an agent for a dynamic hostname.

EuroDynDNS software


Mac / Windows

Developed in Java, this release is compatible with Mac OS X and Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. Once installed, the software will run in the background and can be accessed in the taskbar on Windows or in the menu bar on OS X.



All software for dynamic DNS is compatible with our platform. DDClient is a compliant dynamic DNS client. To install on Debian or Ubuntu, please follow these steps:

  • (sudo) apt-get install ddclient
Dynamic DNS service provider: "other"
Dynamic DNS server: "update.eurodyndns.org"
Dynamic DNS update protocol: "dyndns2"
DynDNS fully qualified domain names: "subdomain.your-eurodns-domain.tld"
Username for dynamic DNS service: "eurodns-site-login"
Password for dynamic DNS service: "eurodns-site-password"
Network interface used for dynamic DNS service: "eth0"
  • Use 'dpkg-reconfigure ddclient' or edit '/etc/ddclient.conf' if you want to reconfigure your client. Daemon settings can be set under '/etc/default/ddclient'
# EuroDNS Configuration example
# /etc/ddclient.conf
  • For Linux distributions not using 'apt-get':
cp ddclient /usr/sbin/
mkdir /etc/ddclient
mkdir /var/cache/ddclient
cp sample-etc_ddclient.conf /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
vi /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
-- and change hostnames, logins, and passwords accordingly
## For those using rc files and using daemon-mode:
cp sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient /etc/rc.d/init.d/ddclient
## activate automatic startup when booting
## check your distribution
/sbin/chkconfig --add ddclient
## start the first time by hand
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ddclient start
## If you are not using daemon-mode, configure cron and dhcp or ppp.

Please take a look if you'd like more information about DDClient.

Return codes

All return codes of the service are explained below, take a look.

Successful updates

If the update doesn't require any action, the server will display a message below.

Information messages
goodAll the hostnames have been successfully updated.

No changes update

If the update doesn't require any action, the server will display a message below.

Information messages
nochgLast update query did not change any of your hosts.
abuseAt least two 'nochg' updates have been performed for a host in the last minute.

Error codes

If an error occurs whilst using the EuroDynDNS service, you'll find it here.

Authentication messages
badauthIncorrect username, password or unauthorised agent. Check whether you have Caps Lock on.
!yoursThe agent is trying to update a domain name that doesn't belong to him.
Hostname errors
notfqdnInvalid hostname
nohostNo hosts specified for update
numhostToo many hosts specified for update.
Server errors
dnserrAn internal system error occurred, please contact our support team if the problem continues.

Advanced configuration

Configure EuroDynDns for routers

Some routers allow you to use any dynamic DNS service that's compliant with standards; EuroDynDNS is one of them.

The URL to perform the client update is:


To get the current Internet IP address you'll need to use this webpage:


Developers' area

For any developers who wants to create their own client update for the EuroDynDNS service, here's how:

The username and password must be provided using http basic authentication. To get the domain list, the URL is:


Please note that regrettably, EuroDNS does not provide support for this service.