.AU domain name .AU domain name - Australia

.AU is the country code for Australia. It is operated by the Australian registry AuDA and can be registered by an individual or by a business registered in Australia for a minimum one-year period.

Features & Requirements

Below are a list of the requirements and features for registering a .AU domain name.

DNSSEC supported
Local Presence Required


The registration of an available .AU domain name is restricted to individual and commercial entities with a local presence in Australia.
(see: https://www.auda.org.au/policy... & https://www.auda.org.au/policy...)

Grandfathering Period (Priority Registration for Registrants of existing 3rd level .AU Domains)

During the first 180 days of the .AU launch (24th March - 20th September) 3rd level .AU domain Registrants can apply for their matching .AU domain which is reserved and not available for general registration.

The .AU Registry (AuDA) has divided Priority applicants in 2 categories, depending on when their 3rd level .AU domain was registered:

  • Priority category 1: 3rd level .AU Names with a creation date on or before February 4, 2018 at 23:59:59 UTC
  • Priority category 2: 3rd level .AU Names with a creation date after February 4, 2018 at 23:59:59 UTC and before March 23, 2022 at 23:59:59 UTC.

In those cases where more than one eligible Priority applicant exists, 2nd level .AU domains will be allocated according to the following criteria:

  • Where there are Category 1 and Category 2 applicants, Category 1 applicants have priority over Category 2 applicants.
  • Where there are multiple Category 1 applicants, all Category 1 applicants must agree on the allocation. Domains for which an agreement cannot be reached, will remain reserved indefinitely, until a single applicant remains.
  • Where there are only Category 2 applicants, the name is allocated to the applicant whose 3rd level .AU domain has the earliest creation date in the .AU registry.

In order to Proceed with a Grandfathering Registration, you will need a Priority Registration Token of the matching 3rd Level .AU Domain possible to request here: https://priority.auda.org.au/ on launch date

The Priority status of your 3rd level domain can be checked with the .au Registry online Tool: https://www.auda.org.au/tools/priority-status-tool

Please note:

The .AU registry asks that the Owner contact provide an Australian Business Number (ABN,ACN) in case of a commercial entity. For non-Australian companies, an international trademark with Australian coverage is also valid (Trademark needs to be an exact Match.

Availability phases

2. General Availability (ENDED)

General Availability (GA) is open-ended and it's when everyone can try to register the domain names they want in real time.
For most new gTLDs, we accept pre-orders for the General Availability launch on a first come, first served basis, and our systems will register domains the very second that General Availability begins. We accept only one pre-order per domain name, and you'll receive a full refund should we be unable to secure your domain name.

Setup fee:€0.00
Annual fee:€99.06
Start date:Phase has ended
End date:Phase has ended

1. Grandfathering Period for .au (ENDED)

Setup fee:€0.00
Annual fee:€99.06
Start date:Phase has ended
End date:Phase has ended

.AU registry information

Dispute policies

Registry policy

Data Privacy Policy

Transfer a .AU domain name

This transfer process only applies to domain names with the same Owner contact. If you require assistance transferring your domain portfolio, please contact our sales team who will be happy to help.

 Transfer a .au

.AU WHOIS Lookup

Discover the registration and expiry dates of a domain name, the contact details and the current registrar and name servers currently being used


.AU Price

Setup fee None
Annual fee€110.00
Renewal fee €110.00
Update fee €103.00
Trade fee €136.50
Transfer fee €110.00
Reactivation fee €25.00 + (Renewal fee)

.AU Format

Minimum length2 characters
Maximum length63 characters
Numbers Allowed (full-numeric)
Hyphen Allowed (middle only)
IDN Not allowed

.AU Registration Period

Minimum subscription period1 year
Minimum renewal period1 year
Renewal increment1 year
Registration delay1-3 days
2048-bit Secure Payment

ICANN Accredited Registrar


Map of Australia

Services available for your .AU domain name


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Anycast DNS

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Web hosting

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REGISTER FOR €110.00 / year

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