SSL certificates verify your website & secure your online transactions

An SSL certificate is a digital endorsement of the identity of your website, the same way your passport proves who you are. Your website will display a padlock icon, followed by HTTPS at the start of your URL. Users will know immediately that they can enter sensitive information in a secure environment.
Do you need an SSL certificate?
Users have to trust your website for your business to be successful. The Internet is an open communications network and it has vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Displaying an SSL certificate with padlock and HTTPS proves your site has been verified by a certified authority and that customers can safely enter their details and perform online transactions.
Users face two big security issues when communicating and making payments online:
- Are they connected to a genuine website, such as their bank; or is it a fake?
- When making a payment, is their data safe and hidden from fraudsters?
It’s your job to convince your customers of your site’s legitimacy and to assure them it’s secure. So do you need an SSL certificate? If you do any of the following, then the answer is yes.
- Your business asks for credit card details, email address, passport, etc.
- You ask your customers to make online payments.
- You provide a login or administration area with restricted access.
SSL certificate free with every domain name
We encourage tighter online security to not only help our customers, but to help their customers. So, we’re giving a free, fully featured Alpha SSL certificate for every domain name you've got registered with us.
For those of you needing a higher level of security, you can check out the other certificates we issue below.
EuroDNS SSL certificates - which one?
Nowadays, users are more vigilant when using the Internet. If they don’t see the padlock icon and HTTPS; they’ll leave and find another company.
We offer four types of SSL certificate, from basic protection up to super protection, and all with the SHA-2 hashing algorithm. The importance of this is explained later but in short, support for SHA-1 certificates is being phased out soon. Our SSL certificates will protect your online communication, prove your legitimacy, and inspire trust. Deciding which is best for you depends on who you are and what you want to do.
We’ve created some new pages on our website to explain how our SSL certificates work and how to apply. Here’re the basics of the four we offer:
- Alpha – ideal for start-ups wanting security for a single domain. Fast automatic background check with no paperwork, low cost, and certificate issued in minutes.
- Domain Validation – security for multiple domains on different IP addresses. Fast automatic background check with no paperwork, and certificate issued in minutes.
- Organisation Validation – Pro level certificate with thorough background check, giving greater visibility, higher levels of trust, and strong encryption.
- Extended Validation – maximum level of encryption security and authentication. Recommended for high profile websites vulnerable to phishing attacks. Activates your website’s green address bar.
EuroDNS SSL certificates provide your website with the strongest encryption available. When you apply for an SSL certificate; the Certificate Authority will verify your information and issue you with a unique certificate. We’ve partnered with GlobalSign, a Certificate Authority bringing over 15 years’ experience and used by companies including Microsoft, Mozilla, BlackBerry, and Java.
Secure multiple subdomains with one certificate
Domain and Organisation certificates include the wildcard option. This feature allows you to pay once and secure your main domain and unlimited subdomains, with a single certificate.
Google will reward HTTPS sites!
An added bonus is that an SSL certificate can help improve your website’s page ranking. In an uncharacteristic reveal, Google announced that sites using HTTPS encryption will benefit in search results. It’s a small boost initially but, a boost nonetheless. With Internet safety a top priority for Google, its call for “HTTPS everywhere”, makes perfect sense. If you already have an SSL certificate with another provider, you best make sure it has the SHA-2 algorithm, otherwise Google won’t be happy! Google have announced that it will stop supporting SHA-1 in Chrome soon, and post a warning on sites still displaying certificates with the SHA-1 algorithm.
Earlier in this post I mentioned that all our SSL certificates are issued with the SHA-2 cryptographic hashing algorithm.
Is this important? Yes, the original SHA-1 cryptographic hashing algorithm has been around for nearly 10 years and is now showing vulnerabilities, and certificates with this algorithm are in danger of being hacked. Last year Microsoft, Google, and Mozilla announced that they will begin to phase out trust in SHA-1 SSL certificates.
We strongly advise you to check and if necessary, upgrade to a EuroDNS SSL certificate with the SHA-2 cryptographic hashing algorithm.
If you have any questions we've included an SSL FAQ section or you give us a shout, we’re happy to chat about our SSL certificates and help choose the best one for you and your business.
Please take a look at these recent posts, discussing all you need to know about SSL certificates: