Grow Your Business

How to make the most out of your eCommerce marketing budget?

by Guest

At some point, practically every business asks the same question: ‘How can I spend my digital marketing budget effectively?’ Answering this question correctly is key to a thriving business. Pour too much into one marketing element, and you’ll starve other, equally important, aspects. If your budget is spread too thin, your marketing strategies won’t have the impact you want.

But how can you find that sweet spot between too much and too little? Well, don’t worry, today we’re here to help make the most of your ecommerce marketing budget.

10 ways to collect customer data for your e-commerce site

by Yesha

Ever wonder how you can make your online store even better? The answer might be simpler than you think: it's all about understanding your customers. By collecting customer data, you can learn exactly what your shoppers like and need. Here are some simple steps to start collecting and using customer data.

The Rise of Podcasting as a Marketing Tool: How Businesses are Using Podcasts for Branding

by Guest

Podcast marketing has become popular in recent years. There are over 400 million podcast listeners. With their large audience, it’s no wonder podcasts for businesses have also become an excellent tool for branding.

Learn the benefits of podcasting for small businesses and large ones, and how they use it for branding purposes.

The Importance of the Social Customer Experience to Small Businesses

by Guest

As technology becomes more advanced, society is moving towards spending more and more time in virtual spaces. This includes, of course, social media platforms. And it’s not just personal interactions that happen here – increasingly, a lot of business is done on these channels, too.

If you run a small company and are looking to enhance your customer experience and gain more exposure, you should seriously look to social media as a tool to help you achieve that. By perfecting your social customer experience, in particular, you’ll be able to reap exceptional benefits from these platforms.

Want to know how, exactly? Keep reading.

AI's Role in Tailoring Your Web Journey

by Guest

Did you know that "80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalised experiences" (Epsilon, 2018).

This eye-opening statistic might be met with one two reactions, either:

“oh great, I can adapt and stand out from my competition by creating a great experience for my customer”


“do I really need to? I don’t have the time or resources to even start thinking about this?

The first reaction is a resounding yes and for the second reaction – don’t worry, enter AI, or Artificial Intelligence, the game-changer your online business has been waiting for.

How to build an online community for businesses and grow it

by Guest

Online communities help ensure business success. An online community fosters relationships between customers and the brand. It, ultimately, helps convert customers into brand advocates who are loyal to the company and can help it grow.

This article outlines steps businesses should follow to build an online community and grow it.