8 useful Google tools for business owners

by Guest

Running a business isn’t an easy feat. You need to manage operations, sales, administration work, client relationships, finances, and most of all marketing—that pushes your business forward and positions you in front of your audience. But, managing and running marketing campaigns isn’t a cakewalk.

Best free WordPress themes of 2022

by Amélie

Got your domain, got your WordPress hosting solution. Well done! What’s next? Picking a theme for your website is an important step. But sometimes, too much choice can make choosing even harder.

8 training needs your company should invest in

by Amélie

Your employees are frustrated with the lack of training opportunities. At least that’s what statistics say, with nearly 59% of employees claim they had no workplace training and that most of their skills were self-taught (Lorman).

If you don’t already have a training programme in place, now is the time to act.

22 productivity apps to get things done in no time - 2022

by Amélie

Get.Things.Done. So is the mantra for a lot of us, productivity nerds. Yes, being more productive is an admirable new year’s resolution, but…are you struggling to get organised and juggling with the million small things you need to do?

You’re not alone.