Domain Names

ICANN's RDRS Launch: A new tool for data disclosure

by Luc

ICANN is launching a new platform, the Registration Data Request System (RDRS), allowing requestors to petition registrars for the disclosure of registrants' contact details that were previously redacted. This platform, set to launch soon, will be voluntary for registrars, and EuroDNS is among the participants.

ICANN Task Force: Challenges in Enhancing Transparency

by Luc

An ICANN task force reviewed the disclosure requirements for ICANN policy development participants but couldn't reach a consensus to enhance transparency obligations. Their recommendations include exemptions for those who believe they have an ethical duty to protect their clients' identity. The call is for ICANN to continue efforts to improve transparency in its multistakeholder model.

Exercise Your Voting Power for a Safer Internet!

by Luc

ICANN recently held its 25th general meeting in Hamburg. The meeting's primary focus was on shaping policies for the Domain Name System (DNS), and significant progress was made in amending accreditation agreements for registrars and registries regarding DNS abuse handling. These amendments require registrars to investigate and act when presented with actionable evidence of DNS abuse. The approval of these amendments depends on the majority vote of ICANN-accredited registrars.

New Domain Extensions: Empowering Millennial & Gen Z Entrepreneurs

by Guest

In the vast internet landscape, the domain name is your digital storefront, the first impression visitors encounter. Traditional extensions have dominated this space for decades. However, a wave of change is sweeping the digital world, transforming the online identity game for Millennial and Gen Z entrepreneurs. New domain extensions are rewriting the rules, offering innovative opportunities that resonate deeply with the aspirations of the younger generations.

Unleashing SEO potential: elevate your brand with .INC domains

by Guest

Discover the power of .inc domains for your brand! They're not just web addresses – they're your SEO allies. Choose a keyword-rich .inc domain to level up your website's visibility and credibility. Nail your keyword selection and craft killer content. Build bridges with backlinks and make your site user-friendly. Let's rock this SEO game and embrace the future with .inc domains!

Ethereum Domains vs. Traditional Domain Names

by Tahmid

Discover how ENS domains, powered by blockchain technology, are revolutionising online identity and ownership, offering enhanced security and simplified cryptocurrency transactions. We also compare the advantages and considerations of both systems, shedding light on their unique features and applications.