Website & Hosting - Website Creation

Google's mobile-first index update: preparing your website

by Daniel

Google will soon make mobile-first indexing the default. Google will mobile-first index all new websites right out of the gate, and offer existing sites assistance with becoming mobile-index ready. What this indexing update means and why having a mobile-friendly website has never been so important.

DDoS protection: cybersecurity solutions to mitigate risks

by Daniel

New research indicates that sustained Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have increased significantly in the first quarter of this year. Given this dramatic increase, DDoS protection is needed now more than ever. Here are the cybersecurity solutions you need to mitigate DDoS risks.

Growing mobile spyware threats require cybersecurity vigilance

by Daniel

Mobile spyware, like that used in the recent WhatsApp attack, is a growing cybersecurity risk. An especially insidious form of malware, mobile spyware gives cyber attackers access to your calls, texts, emails, and other data. Though difficult to detect, here are a few signs to look for and precautions you should take. Be vigilant!

Weighing Drupal's pros and cons: is it the right CMS for you?

by Daniel

Drupal is usually mentioned in the same breath as WordPress and Joomla. Like those other popular content management systems (CMSs), Drupal offers a vast array of services and features ideal for small businesses, e-ecommerce, or personal websites. But is Drupal right for you? We weigh the pros and cons.

Best Joomla website development features for online stores

by Daniel

Joomla's website development features give you everything you need to make the sell. Accessible through our Core Shared or Advanced hosting plans, this popular CMS includes numerous options for customising and securing e-commerce websites. Cha-ching! Joomla's going to take your online store to the next level!

Easy website builder SitePad will get your business online fast!

by Daniel

Looking for an easy website builder for your small business site? SitePad, included with our Core Shared or Advanced web hosting services, requires very little investment in time or effort. Get your business online in no time with a website builder that couldn't be more efficient - or robust.