Local search - local domain: the perfect match!

We’ve always been a firm believer in the power of a local domain name and the dotBerlin registry is testimony to this. The registries that provide .HAMBURG & .BERLIN have written a post for our readers and using dotBerlin as an example, they’ve proved that a website with a local domain will get a boost in Google.
Local search – local domain: the perfect match!
Have you ever thought about juicing up your local business’ online appearance? A study carried out by Google, partnered with Ipsos MediaCT and Purchased, states that four out of five consumers frequently look up their local dealers online, on all devices. To make sure your business is on the top of your client’s search results we’ve got the perfect tool. A GeoTLD or local domain such as .BERLIN or .HAMBURG will boost your Google ranking and ensure your customers find their way onto your website and right into your store. The SEO company Searchmetrics, analyzed the current database of .BERLIN registrations and found .berlin domains to rank one position higher on average than those of the equivalent .DE or .COM domain. Consequently a .BERLIN or .HAMBURG domain will increase your visibility and revenue at little cost.
What happens to my page ranking if I decide to switch to a local domain like .BERLIN or .HAMBURG?
Here's some excellent news: The ranking of your current .DE or .COM domain name will automatically move to your new .BERLIN or .HAMBURG local domain! Want some evidence? Europe’s biggest revue theatre, the Friedrichstadtpalast in Berlin, has moved from www.palast-berlin.eu to www.palast.berlin including the email addresses of all of their employees. The new domain took over the old ranking quickly after the move. The .BERLIN registry did the same with their domain twice (dotberlin.de to nic.berlin and to dot.berlin) which resulted in the same visibility-curve. So moving to a new domain name keeps your search ranking and visibility.
Becoming a local hero with your new local domain name
Now that you’ve seen how a local domain will work for you, it’s time to jump on board and show your customers that you are right around the corner. Why? Simple, that’s how customers make their decision in the digital age. Google calls it the “Zero Moment of Truth”, when a shopper goes online to research a product or local dealer and decides whether to make a purchase later on. Your matching www.companyname.berlin or www.keyword.hamburg will strengthen your local online marketing strategy. It improves your local search results and generates more traffic for your website. Your customers are trying to find you online, make sure they will - with your matching local domain!
Local heroes at EuroDNS
There are already many EuroDNS customers who count on local domain names. For real estate agents, their location is the most important asset. Thus the Berliner project 'Torhaus 2' shows their visitors that they are located in the beautiful capital of Germany with their www.torhaus2.berlin.
Looking for guitar lessons around the corner? www.gitarren-unterricht.hamburg offers exactly that and its local domain provides all the important keywords. Even public projects such as www.seilbahn.berlin present their plans of a ropeway through the city at the upcoming international gardening exhibition “IGA” using a .BERLIN domain name.
More relevance for Google and their website visitors – more revenue for them!
dotBERLIN & PunktHamburg
Berlin was the first of the world’s cities to have its very own Internet domain extension, with Hamburg the second city with its own top-level domain in Germany. This illuminating article by both registries, dotBERLIN & PunktHamburg, demonstrates the value of registering a local domain for your business. Not only will your page ranking improve, but your customers will recognise that you’re supporting your community, and investing in the local economy. You're proud of your city!
Thank you dotBERLIN and PunktHamburg for your excellent guest post, and we wish you continued success with .BERLIN and .HAMBURG.