.CLUB domain names perfect for building online community

No other domain extension says, "We want you!" like .CLUB does. .CLUB domain names are helping businesses, organisation, and individuals around the world build online communities. And, now, .CLUB is accepting new members - at a reduced cost through the end of the year! Read on for details!
.CLUB domains: there’s a .CLUB for everyone!
.CLUB, launched in 2014, became one of the first new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to surpass 100,000 registrations. In that time, 1,498,027 .CLUB domain names have been registered, making it the 7th most registered new TLD.
Four years on, .CLUB domain registration numbers shows no signs of waning. .CLUB has proven to have wide spread appeal with pretty much everyone. Businesses, individuals and, yes, clubs have all turned to .CLUB to help them connect with their specific target audiences.
Whether your business is bowties (Papy.CLUB), lifestyle improvement (Lifetuning.CLUB), or something else, .CLUB can help you effectively communicate what your products and offerings are to customers around the world. .CLUB also creates the ideal online space for highlighting your loyalty or rewards programme. Register your product/service/business or brand name + .CLUB for a domain name that will reward you with increased customer interest and visits.
Sports clubs
From arm wrestling enthusiasts (Armbenders.CLUB) to squash players (Tonbridgesquash.club), sports clubs are using a .CLUB domain name to reach out to other fans and enthusiasts. Your sport/game/athletic goal + .CLUB extension = an accessible, easily recognisable domain name!
Social clubs
Supermoms, swingers, and sailors have discovered the .CLUB domain extension to be an effective online tool for connecting with likeminded audiences. .CLUB is flexible enough that it appeals to a vast array of special interests, activities, and past times. Branding your organisation online with a .CLUB domain makes explicit where your interests lie. Supermom.CLUB? It couldn’t be clearer!
Athletes, musicians, and actors have all turned to .CLUB to build their online presence. We don’t want to name drop but registrants includes Demi Lovato, 50 Cent, and Austin St. John, everyone’s favourite Power Ranger. But, of course, .CLUB is also ideal for fan clubs and associations. Registering a domain with nothing more than the name or object of your fandom is sure to help you build up your membership list.
Build your online community with .CLUB
These days, many businesses and organisations create a social media page as a way to connect with their audiences.
But the problem with social media is that you don't own your own data or leads. You are competing against countless other pages like yours. And you can't customise your page, so it ends up looking like everyone else's.
By creating your own online space with a .CLUB domain name, you avoid all those problems. You create an online space that is wholly yours, bringing people together around a common interest, goal, or passion. And with .CLUB, it's easy to build an online community:
- .CLUB is a short and memorable extension
- .CLUB is ideal for hacking: yourname + .CLUB
- "Club" is a word recognisable around the world
- .CLUB domains are also recognisable around the world
- "Club" evokes easy-to-grasp concepts: social groups, community, membership, people
So if you're looking to engage your audience while also setting yourself apart from the competition, then you need to get into the .CLUB!
.CLUB domain names on sale now!
The marketing value of .CLUB cannot be overstated. And because there are no restrictions on who can register .CLUB, any business, individual, or group is invited to take advantage of .CLUB membership!
In fact, we want you to join the .CLUB so much that, through December 31,2018, we're offering .CLUB domain names to our customers at a substantially reduced cost!
- Registration cost: €0.86 for first year of registration
- Includes: Alpha SSL certificate, Classic DNS, and professional email
- Excludes: premium domains
So join the .CLUB! Register your .CLUB domain name today and start attracting new members to your website!
And happy 4th .CLUB! You never looked better!