Create your own website and manage your online reputation

93% of recruiters look at candidates’ social media profiles before making hiring decisions. In the fiercely competitive job market, will those hilarious selfies swing it for you? Create a positive online image with a personal domain name and your own website.
Your social media sites are being judged!
Hiring managers are using social media profiles as part of the recruiting process. Last year the recruiting platform Jobvite, did some digging. The results showed 55% of recruiters have reconsidered an applicant because of what they found online. The good news is that you can take control and choose what’s found.
If a recruiter searches your name, what would they find?
If there’re no results a recruiter could think…
- You’re out of touch with modern technology, a Luddite.
- You’ve got something to hide.
The search brings numerous results which include your name, but…
- It’s not you! They're dubious posts that you'd rather not have linked with your name. Don’t assume a recruiter’s going to check if it’s you or not. The damage is done!
Cool, the recruiter finds the real you…
- Going walkies whilst wearing a Superman costume!!
It’s time to take control and manage your online reputation. Create a positive online identity and steer recruiters towards it.
Manage your online reputation with a domain name and your own website
Register your personal domain name and create your own website. Optimise it well and it'll rank number one - the first thing a recruiter sees after searching your name. Take a look at this big list of domain extensions and find the one that suits.
- Extensions can now describe what you do - .ACTOR, .PHOTOGRAPHY, .GRAPHICS, or .COACH.
- Or they can locate you – .LONDON, .FR, .DE, .NYC, or .PL.
- Or you can keep it general - .ONLINE, .WEBSITE, .ME, .COM, .SPACE, or .BUZZ.
Your own website will give you a competitive advantage in the job market
It shouldn't be a replica of your CV, it has to be more. Use your website as your portfolio - show off your knowledge and skills. Let people know that you're tech savvy and up to date with current trends.
Reveal your personality and strengths in a positive, professional, and creative way. Building and managing your own website shows that you’re serious about your career, even if you do occasionally like to take a stroll dressed as a superhero!
Don’t forget, you get a personalised email address as standard, with your domain name. A professional email address shows you mean business.
What are the rules for creating your own website?
There are no rules, just common sense.
- 66% of hiring managers saw spelling mistakes and bad grammar as a reason to reject you.
- Profanity would have 63% of recruiters shouting WTF and rejecting you.
- 70% were turned off by sexual posts.
- Personal attacks, bullying, and intimidation – c’mon, seriously!!
- Drugs + alcohol = 0 job!
Recruiters look for professional experience, specific skills, mutual connections, a good portfolio, and a cultural fit. How many beers you can drink in one session might impress your mates, but…
You won’t get hired through Facebook or Twitter, but you’ll be found!
Here're some posts that'll help you create your own website...
- Crash course in domain names
- Exploring alternative domain extensions
- How to choose, register, and secure your domain name
I don't need a website yet - can I still have a personal domain name?
If you're not ready to create your own website right now, you can still register your personal domain name. Having your own domain name means you control your online identity- point your personal domain name towards your social media sites. You'll boost your own name, rather than the social media providers.
Think you’ve managed to dodge this problem?
How many jobs have you applied for and you're still waiting to hear? Do you know how many times you've been overlooked by a recruiter? Don’t assume that because you haven’t received actual negative feedback, there’s no problem. How would you know?
BTW - it's not just hiring managers who check out your social media sites - your mum, college recruiters, rental agencies and oh lordy, prospective dates too!!!