Domain transfer changes coming: the latest ICANN news

ICANN is expanding the scope of its Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (now simply called Transfer Policy). This revised policy includes new procedures for gTLD (but not ccTLD) transfers made between domain registrants (aka Trades). See how the new domain transfer procedures will impact you. The latest ICANN news...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
The original goal of the working group who devised this new policy is commendable - preventing domain name thefts. However, the implementation of the policy, and the resulting obligations it imposes on registrars and registrants, could potentially confuse and frustrate rather than simply help and protect.
For this reason, EuroDNS has taken steps to minimise the impact of these changes while still remaining compliant with its obligations as an ICANN accredited registrar.
When does this apply?
The policy will go into effect starting December 1st, 2016. According to ICANN's revised transfer policy, you will, as of this date, begin to receive automatic email confirmations every time you make a modification to a gTLD registrant’s first name, last name, company name, or email address. This means that if you are transferring numerous gTLDs, you should expect to receive a lot of email confirmations.
EuroDNS: your designated agent
To avoid overwhelming you with a potential avalanche of emails, EuroDNS has, in accordance with the new Transfer Policy, modified its Terms of Service so that we are considered your “Designated Agent”. As such, we will - on your behalf - be allowed to approve modifications you make to your domain’s contact details.
Of course, this will not eliminate or alter any existing safeguards already in place to protect your domain names. We are simply removing what we consider to be an unnecessary burden.
Nonetheless, both the former and new registrant will be sent an email informing them of the modifications made to the domain name they have traded.
Transfer lock & opt-out
Another consequence of this policy change is that when you modify or transfer a gTLD, your account will receive a “registrar lock” which will prevent a registrar from transferring your domain(s) for a 60-day period.
To unlock your domain(s), if you are using our website you will be asked to confirm the lifting of the lock as part of the process. If you are using the API, you will need to request the consent of the registrant and initiate a registrar transfer in the API at which point EuroDNS will release the lock.
This lock may, however, be opted-out off altogether by the former registrant at the time the Trade is initiated.
Here again to simplify this process for you, EuroDNS will, as your Designated Agent, opt you out of this locking measure by default. (Should you want to to opt in to this measure, please contact our support department prior to initiating a Trade.)
If you use our Domain Privacy Service, please know that while you may receive a few more emails from us you will not be required to take any additional action.
Watch this space for all the latest ICANN news!