Penguin 4 has landed! Is this the calm before the storm?

by Meg

Penguin alert… Google confirmed last Friday that the Penguin 4 algorithm is now operating in real-time. Did the earth move for you? Is this the calm before the storm? Google, as we’ve come to expect, is keeping everything pretty close to its substantial chest…

Online security and password protection: hacker proof!

by Meg

Hackers attack for many reasons; political agenda, they want your domain name, they’re after your cash, they want to damage your company’s reputation. Or they're eager to find out what the FBI’s up to…

Why you should move your .FI domain names to EuroDNS now!

by Meg

On 2 Sept 2016, the .FI registry (FICORA) will cease acting as a registrar. All accounts held in their system will be closed. If your .FI domain names are registered directly with FICORA, you must find a new registrar to manage your domain names. This doesn't apply if your .FI domain names are registered with EuroDNS already.

ICANN 56 Helsinki - Legal eagle Luc, reports back…

by Luc

ICANN is the organisation in charge of domain names and IP addresses. It’s a community of volunteers developing policies applicable to the domain name system. Anyone can join a working group and take part. Fancy it?

ICANN survey - Awareness of new gTLDs growing, but…

by Luc

…there’s less trust than a year ago. ICANN’s recent survey measures attitudes towards gTLDs and the domain name system. Data collected from 5,452 users in Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South America. It’s a bumper survey, 161 pages, so I’ve pulled out some highlights for you…

Social media is for selfies & cats, not serious stuff like work!

by Meg

Selfie! Look at what my pussy cat’s doing! My dinner! @!%*@!!*#!!! Is that it for social media, hugely powerful platforms just used to make whoopee? There’s more, much more. Social media allows you to talk with your customers, promote your products, build relationships, and humanise your brand. Your competitors are, why aren’t you?