.LU: register a domain name in 1 to 2 characters

The Restena Foundation, which is in charge of the registration of domain names under the .LU TLD, will open the registration of domain names with 1 and 2 characters from October 19, 2020. Interested trademark holders and companies should file a priority registration by October 16.
More than 2,800 new .LU registration possibilities will soon become available via the Restena Foundation's DNS-LU service. Here’s an opportunity to develop your presence on the Luxembourgish market or to assert your local identity.
Who is it for?
You are eligible to file for priority registration of a 1 to 2-character .LU domain name in the following cases:
- You hold a BENELUX, European or international trademark (valid in BENELUX/EU countries) with 1 or 2 characters and you wish to obtain the associated domain name.
- Your organisation is registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies' Register with a company name of designation made up of 1 or 2 characters and you wish to acquire the corresponding domain name.
.LU domain names must be composed of one or two of the following alphanumeric ASCII and IDN characters in order to be eligible for registration:
- a, à, â, ä, æ, b, c, ç, d, e, è, é, ê, ë, f, g, h, i, î, ï, j, k, l, m, n, o, ô, ö, œ, p, q, r, s, t, u, ù, û, ü, v, w, x, y, z
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Are not eligible for registration:
- The hyphen ("-")
- Domain names registered on the grounds of previous registration policies
- The domain names lu.lu and ns.lu, reserved for the use of the registry.
Sunrise Phase - August 31 to October 30, 2020
The Sunrise phase is dedicated to holders of registered trademarks validated for Luxembourg as well as companies and corporations reflecting the company name or corporate name registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register. This first registration phase is divided as follows:
- From August 31 to October 2, 2020: filing and examination of the applications. The order of submission of the applications is irrelevant.
- October 16, 2020: closing date of the examination phase. All applicants will be notified of whether their application has been accepted or refused.
- From October 19 to October 30, 2020: organization of a private sale in case of multiple applications for the same domain name. The bid price must be indicated at the time of registration. In case of identical offers, the domain will be allocated in a random drawing from concerned parties. Note that participating in this process is voluntary and providing an amount therefore is not mandatory.
Landrush phase - November 2 to December 14
Domain names that were not registered during the Sunrise phase become available for registration during the so-called Landrush phase. This phase is open to all individuals and legal entities through an online domain auction platform.
- From October 19, 2020: availability of the online platform dedicated to the public auction and start of online registrations.
- From November 2 to November 30, 2020: domains are allocated through an auction process to the highest bidder exclusively through the online domain auction platform.
- From December 1 to December 14, 2020: closing of the last open auctions and administrative finalization of the bids.
General opening phase
The general opening of domain names not allocated in the 2 previous phases will begin on December 15, 2020. The registrars accredited for the registration and technical management of domain names under .LU TLD will then be able to sell the domain names still available to their customers, under their usual terms and conditions.
Get your shortened .LU domain
Get your .LU domain in 1 or 2 characters and assert your presence on the local territory! As .LU is a TLD associated with .FR, it is particularly relevant for French companies wishing to conquer a larger customer base and extend their influence across borders.
To submit your priority registration application, you can choose between two options:
- You can fill in your application and send it directly to the registry. Once the domain is assigned, transfer your domain to EuroDNS using the usual transfer procedure.
- EuroDNS can take care of sending your application to the registry and once the domain is assigned, we will proceed to the transfer and finalization. Contact our Sales team at +352 263 725 250 or sales@eurodns.com or our Support team through our online contact form.
Please note that if an application is unsuccessful, whether due to a lost bid or an incomplete application, the costs incurred will not be reimbursed.

Photo by Cedric Letsch on Unsplash