Growing mobile spyware threats require cybersecurity vigilance

by Daniel

Mobile spyware, like that used in the recent WhatsApp attack, is a growing cybersecurity risk. An especially insidious form of malware, mobile spyware gives cyber attackers access to your calls, texts, emails, and other data. Though difficult to detect, here are a few signs to look for and precautions you should take. Be vigilant!

Domain names that build trust with small business customers

by Daniel

The right generic top-level domain (gTLD) can be a powerful asset for your small business, an easy way to target users and influence how they perceive you. See how registering a domain name that calls attention to your location, niche, or affiliation with a specific community can help help you build consumer trust and loyalty.

Prevent data loss with web hosting backup and restore tools

by Daniel

March 31st is World Backup Day, which means this is a perfect time to remind you of how important it is to back up all your data on every device. If EuroDNS is your web hosting provider, we offer several easy backup and restore options through the Plesk control panel. Trust us: backup today or risk paying the price of lost data!

Small business cybersecurity: how to improve mobile security

by Guest

There's an inherent risk of cyberattack anytime a smartphone or tablet connects to the open internet. Internal resources can be accessed if a device is hijacked or infiltrated. Small businesses beware! These are the biggest cybersecurity risks, and mobile security essentials, your small business must be aware of.

Tower above online competition with a European ccTLD domain

by Daniel

Looking to establish an unmistakeable online presence in Europe? The right country code top-level domain (ccTLD) will prevent you from being overshadowed! Register a ccTLD domain name to drive visitors, generate clicks, and rise above the competition!