Register a .BLOG domain name and start promoting your blog

by Daniel

How do you drive traffic to your blog and stand out against all the competition? Registering a strong domain name is a good place to start. We think a .BLOG domain is the perfect way to promote any kind of blog. Just look at how .BLOG domain names are helping these bloggers get noticed.

.TW (ccTLD for Taiwan), a top choice domain for Asian market

by Daniel

.TW domain names are helping registrants boost their online presence in Taiwan, one of Asia's busiest Internet markets. These three businesses are leading the way, demonstrating how the .TW country code top-level domain (ccTLD for Taiwan) alerts search engines and users to content that targets Taiwanese Internet users.

Domain registration costs increase with new Afilias TLD pricing

by EuroDNS

On September 1st, registry Afilias will increase the cost of many of its top-level domains (TLDs). Accordingly, we must adjust our own pricing. But not to worry: EuroDNS is as committed as ever to keeping domain name registration costs down. As you'll see in the following list of affected TLDs, all increases will be kept to a minimum.

Best domain name registrar: a beginners guide to the basics

by Daniel

Domain name registrars may all look the same but look closely and you'll see they can vary in different ways. Beginners unfamiliar with the ins and outs of domain name registration may not know where to start. This basic guide for newbies shows what to look for in a domain registrar so you can make the best choice.

Domain name hot tips: 2018's new TLDs for websites and blogs

by Daniel

And they're off! In 2018, we launched several new top-level domains (TLDs), providing you even more variety and choice. From industry specific to HSTS preloaded, we have new domain name options for every blog or website. Ensure a lasting web presence! Hot tips for finding a domain that will go the distance!

Beware IDN homograph attacks: your brand reputation is at risk

by Daniel

Phishing scams are among the Internet's most insidious threats. One click is all it takes to get duped out of money or have passwords stolen. Now, new evidence shows phishing is on the rise with the growing availability of internationalised domain names. Take action! Prevent your brand from being used in an IDN homograph attack.