4 reasons why you should take .SITE domain seriously

One of the first things you need to build an online business is a domain name. Back in the day, users had limited choice with respect to what domain extension they could choose. However, today, there is a multitude of domain extensions such as .SITE that can give your brand a meaningful online presence.
When you think about building an online business—whether it’s from scratch or taking an existing brick-and-mortar business online—one of the first things you need to do is create your website. To do that, you are required to register a domain name for it. This domain name is not just your web address but also the foundation of your online identity, which is why registering the right one is of vital importance.
In the past, businesses only had a couple of traditional domain extensions to work with, such as .com, .org, .gov, .net, and a few more. However, in the last few years, hundreds of new domain extensions have emerged that give business owners a chance to build their brand the way they want to, whether it’s by specifying their niche, their location or just to be unique. One such domain extension is .SITE.

What is the .SITE domain extension?
.SITE is among the top five most popular new domain extensions in the world. It is open, versatile, and unrestricted, which makes it a great fit for businesses of all nature and sizes. So far, more than 1 million websites across 180 countries have been registered on .SITE. As many as 70% of its users are SMBs (small and midsize businesses), which is a true testimony of its growth potential.
Why should your business be on a .SITE domain name?
The newness and popularity of the .SITE domain extension make it the right choice for your business’ website. Here are four ways in which you can benefit from it.
1. Relevant to all industries
Choosing the right extension for your domain name requires you to choose your words wisely. You may want a domain name that sets you apart from your competitors while still giving you a more versatile positioning.
The .SITE extension really hits that sweet spot. As a word, “site” is often used to refer to a website. Thus, it’s the perfect extension for any website. This makes it adaptable to businesses of all kinds such as construction, SaaS (software as a service), wellness, hospitality, food and beverage, arts, or real estate.
Owing to its relevance across industries and geographies, even Google offers a [businessname].business.SITE sub-domain to every business that signs up for Google My Business.
So, if you’re just setting up your new website, using a domain name such as www.name.SITE will help you get a brandable presence on the Internet.
2. Brandability without a compromise
Millions of domain names are registered every month all over the world. This number is only going to increase with a large number of businesses now going online.
Competition for good domain names is fierce, as you will see when you search the availability of the domain name you have in mind for your business. Irrespective of how unique you think it is, there is a high probability that it’s already in use, especially if you’re looking for it on a traditional domain extension.
What do you do in such a situation? Do you go back to the drawing board and think of a new name altogether or do you try and modify what you already have? Both these options have significant drawbacks.
With the former, you would be spending a lot more time thinking of a new domain name, while with the latter, you may risk diluting your brand. A third, more viable option is to look for your desired name on a different domain extension such as .SITE. Being relatively new, it increases your chances of going for your first preference and achieving your online branding goals.
For instance, let’s say that you are launching your own gaming website and you want to call your company ‘Live Game’. When you search for a domain name, you will see that www.livegame.com is already in use.

However, www.livegame.site is still available.

3. Global meaning
As a business with global aspirations, you need a domain name that can be widely used and doesn’t restrict you or get lost in translation when you’re dealing with customers overseas. The .SITE extension is that universally understood term.
People all over the world associate the word with an online presence. It’s no wonder then that companies from different regions ranging from North America (www.autobuyer.site, www.pingmy.site) to Europe (www.cheappetfood.site, www.visione.site) to Asia (www.poseidon.site, www.dartweb.site) have built memorable domain names on the .site domain extension.
4. Popular
The versatility of the .SITE extension is valuable to any business’s online brand-building efforts. This is why over 1 million users have chosen .SITE for their domain name. No matter what the purpose of your website, whether it’s to :
- Sell products and services,
- Promote your business through content marketing channels such as a blog,
- Build a video channel or a podcast,
- Showcase your work,
- Build awareness by providing company information, you can find the right domain name for it on a .SITE domain extension.
Easier availability also means that you can opt for your first choice of a domain name, whether it’s your company name (www.troublemaker.site) or your industry (www.thedentalmarketer.site) or a combination of both. With .SITE, you have ample opportunities to register a meaningful, trendy and unique domain name for your business.
Your domain name is often the first thing people come across when they are searching for you online and the .SITE domain extension helps you acquire a relevant and memorable one. Moreover, as competition for sought-after domain names intensifies, it’s not too long before new domain extensions become as widely used as traditional ones. By choosing one as early as now, you’ll only be helping your business stay ahead in the game.
Alisha Shibli is a Senior Content Marketing & Communication Specialist at Radix, the registry behind some of the most successful new domain extensions, including .ONLINE and .TECH. You can connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.