Domain Names - Domain Management

The ICANN takeover of DNS: 5 reasons not to panic

by Daniel

The Internet, as we know it, has changed forever. On Saturday, October 8th, the U.S. government ceded control of the directories which enable web browsers to locate our local weather reports, Netflix queues, and Uber accounts.

Online security and password protection: hacker proof!

by Meg

Hackers attack for many reasons; political agenda, they want your domain name, they’re after your cash, they want to damage your company’s reputation. Or they're eager to find out what the FBI’s up to…

ICANN 56 Helsinki - Legal eagle Luc, reports back…

by Luc

ICANN is the organisation in charge of domain names and IP addresses. It’s a community of volunteers developing policies applicable to the domain name system. Anyone can join a working group and take part. Fancy it?

ICANN survey - Awareness of new gTLDs growing, but…

by Luc

…there’s less trust than a year ago. ICANN’s recent survey measures attitudes towards gTLDs and the domain name system. Data collected from 5,452 users in Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South America. It’s a bumper survey, 161 pages, so I’ve pulled out some highlights for you…

Protect your domain names – use a single registrar!

by Meg

Domain name management can be hard work. Registration requirements are often complicated. Keeping up with renewals is a pain. And protecting your domain names against hijacking is stressful. Storing your names with numerous registrars magnifies these issues. Take a look at how to simplify your domain management.

You’ve moved? Do we have your new contact details?

by Meg

It’s crucial that the contact details in your domain name account are accurate. If we’ve got an outdated email address, you could lose your domain names and everything associated with them. We send you email with vital information and ignoring them could lead to disaster…