Grow Your Business

Low-cost tips to grow your small business

by Amélie

As a new small or medium business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to develop your business without investing an insane amount of money. That’s right, you don’t want to be part of the 42% of new businesses going bankrupt after 3 years of existence! Good news, there are plenty of low-cost or even free ways to grow a small business.

Online marketing ideas to prepare for Valentine’s day - 2021

by Amélie

At this time of the year, businesses are usually in the middle of preparing for Valentine’s day. But this year couldn’t be more different, with COVID-19 restrictions being put in place in most countries. But we know how to help you to make the most out of a remote celebration.

8 easy and effective marketing tips for solopreneurs in 2021

by Guest

Tempted to ditch the corporate life for solopreneurship? Why not, but this exciting idea has its list of challenges, so think twice about your marketing strategy. We've gathered our top 8 marketing tips to help you plan an effective marketing strategy.

22 Profitable Online Business Ideas for 2021

by Amélie

For some of us, the pandemic turned into an opportunity to experience full-time working from home, and it wasn’t so bad, was it? If going back to the office life is no longer an attractive option, consider one of these 22 online startup business ideas for 2021.

Content localisation: a guide to conquering new markets

by Amélie

87% of people (CSA Research, 2014) claim that they won’t buy from a website if they don’t understand its content. That’s one of the reasons why, as an international brand, you have to adapt your marketing strategy to your local markets. Keep on reading to find out why your business needs localisation to conquer new markets.

6 tips for effective virtual communication from our CEO

by EuroDNS

After 4 weeks of confinement due to the exceptional sanitary crisis the world is currently experiencing, we have learnt quite a bit about digital communication, and how it can be different from face to face interactions. Our CEO, Lutz Berneke, has shared with us his personal tips on how to best communicate during the current situation.